We try to keep our list of animals current, but species and specimens are constantly changing. There can be no guarantee that all of these animals will be on display during your visit, but there may also be new animals that have not yet made it to our list.
African pancake tortoise
African slender-snouted crocodile
Alligator snapping turtle
American alligator
American bullfrog
American crocodile
Arrau turtle
Asian brown tortoise
American red-bellied turtle
American wigeon
Barred owl
Bali myna
Big-headed turtle
Black & white ruffed lemur
Blue-billed curassow
Blue-fronted amazon
Black caiman
Black-crowned crane
Black-headed python
Blood python
Blotched python
Blue-and-yellow macaw
Blue-throated macaw
Blue-tongued skink
Boa constrictor
Broad-nosed caiman
Cabot’s tragopan
Caiman lizard
Cape vulture
Cape griffon vulture
Carpet python
Chaco golden knee tarantula
Chinese alligator
Chinese three-keeled pond turtle
Common barn owl
Common slider
Corn snake
Coscoroba swan
Cotton-top tamarin
Crested coua
Crested fireback pheasant
Cuban boa
Cuban crocodile
Curl-crested aracari
Curlyhair tarantula
Diamondback terrapin
Dwarf caiman
Dwarf crocodile
Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
Eastern glass lizard
Eastern ratsnake
European rabbit
False gavial
Florida box turtle
Florida cooter
Florida kingsnake
Galapagos tortoise
Gila monster
Golden conure
Golden lion tamarin
Gopher/pine snake
Gopher tortoise
Green tree python
Green-winged macaw
Hall’s New Guinea crocodile
Hooded vulture
Hyacinth macaw
Indigo snake
Indian gharial
Johnson’s crocodile
Knobbed hornbill
Komodo dragon
Lace monitor
Macquarie turtle
Madagascar giant hognose snake
Malaysian giant pond turtle
Mali spiny-tailed lizard
Mangrove snake
Marabou stork
Morelet’s crocodile
Mugger crocodile
New Caledonia giant gecko
Nile crocodile
Nine-banded armadillo
North American wood duck
Northern pintail
Northern white-lipped python
Orinoco crocodile
Palm cockatoo
Pesquet’s parrot
Philippine crocodile
Philippine tree skink
Plush-crested jay
Prehensile-tailed porcupine
Prehensile-tailed skink
Prevost’s squirrel
Pueblan milksnake
Pygmy rattlesnake
Rainbow boa
Radiated tortoise
Red-ruffed lemur
Red-tailed ratsnake
Reticulated python
Ring-tailed lemur
River cooter
Royal/ball python
Ruddy duck
Saltwater crocodile
Scarlet macaw
Scrub python
Shingleback skink
Siamese crocodile
Smooth-fronted caiman
Snapping turtle
Sonoran mountain kingsnake
Southeast Asian box turtle
Southern cassowary
Southern toad
Spectacled caiman
Sulphur-crested cockatoo
Swallow-tailed kite
Taiwan beauty snake
Timber rattlesnake
Timor python
Toco toucan
Tokay gecko
White-headed vulture
Veiled chameleon
Vietnam pheasant
Western hognose snake
White-cheeked pintail
White-fronted marmoset
White-rumped shama
Wood turtle
Yellow anaconda
Yellow-footed tortoise
Yellow-headed amazon
Yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle