With the St. Augustine Alligator Farm’s Zoo-on-the-Move program, we bring the action to you.
An expert educator from the zoo will visit your classroom to present an exciting educational program featuring three different species of native animal such as an American alligator, snakes, turtles, and/or lizards.
Pricing for first program: $300
Pricing for additional programs on same site and date: $50 per program, up to a maximum of four programs per day.
Note: Programs run approximately 45 minutes and can be adjusted to fit your needs. There is a maximum of 30 people per program.
For sites more than 30 miles away from the St. Augustine Alligator Farm there is an additional travel fee of $50.
Programs must be booked a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of the event.
An expert educator from the zoo will visit your event with a live American alligator, kids’ activity sheets, conservation information, biofacts, and more.
Pricing starts at $350 for a 3-hour event. For events exceeding 3 hours, an additional fee of $50 per hour will apply
Programs must be booked a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of the event
Note: For sites more than 30 miles away from the St. Augustine Alligator Farm there is an additional travel fee of $50.
For more information or to book Zoo on the Move, call (904) 824-3337 extension 128 or email education@alligatorfarm.com.
Note: Zoo-on-the-move program scheduling is available August through April during the school year.