With the St. Augustine Alligator Farm’s Zoo-on-the-Move program, we bring the action to you.

Classroom Style Programs:

An expert educator from the zoo will visit your classroom to present an exciting educational program featuring three different species of native animal such as an American alligator, snakes, turtles, and/or lizards.


Pricing for first program: $300
Pricing for additional programs on same site and date: $50 per program, up to a maximum of four programs per day.
Note: Programs run approximately 45 minutes and can be adjusted to fit your needs. There is a maximum of 30 people per program.

For sites more than 30 miles away from the St. Augustine Alligator Farm there is an additional travel fee of $50.

Programs must be booked a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of the event.

Tabling Events:

An expert educator from the zoo will visit your event with a live American alligator, kids’ activity sheets, conservation information, biofacts, and more.


Pricing starts at $350 for a 3-hour event. For events exceeding 3 hours, an additional fee of $50 per hour will apply

Programs must be booked a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of the event

Note: For sites more than 30 miles away from the St. Augustine Alligator Farm there is an additional travel fee of $50.

For more information or to book Zoo on the Move, call (904) 824-3337 extension 128 or email education@alligatorfarm.com.

Note: Zoo-on-the-move program scheduling is available August through April during the school year.

St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoo-on-the-Move