
We know that crocodilians replace their teeth on a regular basis and in a very specific pattern. (Edmund, A. G. , Tooth replacement phenomena in the lower vertebrates. Contribution 52, Life Science Division, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada). Maximo, our 15’ 3”...

Of course we all assume that alligators purposely drink water, but it is rarely witnessed. In September 2004 I witnessed an adult female America alligator Alligator mississippiensis drinking water. She had been out of the water most of the night and when...

Crocodilians possess several unique skin glands that have been shown to produce unusual compounds. the paracloacal glands are a set of glands located on either side of the cloaca of all crocodilians. Although their function has been difficult to clarify, Dr. Paul Weldon had been...

The Chinese Alligator, Alligator sinensis, is one of the most endangered vertebrates on our planet. With less then 100 animals remaining in the wild, their situation is truly critical. The St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park has had success breeding Chinese Alligators and has been...

  Something many people may not be aware of is the role the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park plays in facilitating crocodilian research.  Recent work involved renowned crocodilian expert Dr. Kent Vliet, Director of Biological Labs at the University of Florida and Dr. John Hutchinson...

The San Diego Zoo houses the Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species (CRES), which keeps frozen genetic samples of animals that could one day prevent the extinction of a species. The St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoological Park is glad to work with Val Lance,...

Scientific literature is filled with research regarding the stomach contents of crocodilians. Almost all of them refer to the plant material found in the animals’ stomachs as either an accident (i.e., the crocodilian got leaves in its mouth while trying to swallow a prey...

Crocodilians have the ability to swallow prey under water: The palatal valve, in the back of a crocodilian’s mouth, is a unique adaptation that seals the throat off from both air and water. With the palatal valve shut a crocodilian can grasp food...

Siamese Crocodiles as parents: In May of 2000 the St. Augustine Alligator Farm decided to do things a little differently. Typically, when the alligators or crocodiles lay eggs the keepers collect the eggs and put them in an incubator. ...